I like to make lists. Lists for everything. Things to clean, things to buy, places to go, things to do, things I want but will never get (like an Audi or the decorations for my dream house). I make lists for me and for the kids. They have a nifty morning/afternoon/night checklist up on the dry-erase board.
For instance, my to-do list for tomorrow is growing exponentially as I type. I look around or ponder for a second and three or four more things pop into my head to add to the list. Have a look:
Kids baths
Wash laundry
All trash out
Straighten up downstairs
Fully clean upstairs (tub, toilet, bedrooms, loft, etc.)
Sort through pc video games/take kids' games upstairs
Buy blank DVDs
Use said DVDs to backup pictures and music on pc
Call DHS
Buy milk
Fold/put away laundry
Vacuum up and down stairs
Go through "big box of clothes" in Helena's closet
Do dishes
Clean out cars
Heh, I'll think of more in the morning, I'm sure. The kicker is that about 1/2 of those will end up on Thursday's list, not because I failed to do it, but because it will need to be done again. Then again on Friday. Then every day after that, too.
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